Necessity is the mother of invention. Life imitates art far more than art imitates life, to quote Oscar Wilde. Bridge the gap, be the evolution and walk the walk you choose to own. With my patented design, you will change the way you dress yourself, design your day and fashion your way of life. When you choose to wear your art...Gurltopia Fashion House. Viva La Vida!
The Tutubelt was born from a still burning fire to possess the strength and beauty of femininity while embracing the power of change to become what lies ahead in a fast paced world. Not only did I need to feel ready and equipped to meet my multi-dimensional day as a woman, mother, and beyond... I desired to BE this fierce, dynamic, sensual woman I knew and walk fearlessly without mindset or wardrobe hinderances. I have always loved versatility of dress and mood. I also held an innate sensibility for upcycling and renovating fabrics and style forms. Then, one fateful day in March 2015, while creating (and dancing around my house:), I cut apart a gorgeous outdated skirt, tucked it under a thick vintage belt I was wearing atop my daily gear of sleek, practical, comfort and fitness-encouraging active wear and something happened. This "thing" changed how I walked and felt. I was ready to go out, or stay in, or whatever came next! I felt beautiful and empowered and best yet, in the flow... in fact, I was the flow. And there it was, without sacrificing the femininity, style and grace inherent in women or neglecting our practical masculine counter balanced activewear, the Tutubelt and Gurltopia Fashion House concept immerged like the Phoenix! I wore it out that night to my 40th birthday extravaganza, added a pouch to hold my phone, money and lipstick for handsfree independence and Voila! ... the Tutubelt débuted itself to the world (and changed how I viewed and walked in mine). This is it; there you are! I knew this feeling and fashion was more than a fling... THIS needed to be shared. Viva La Revolution!
Buying from independent designers helps you create a closer relationship with the things you wear every day. We are transparent with our design and manufacture process. We are inspired by the relationships we have built over time, getting to see how our designs fit into you life.